OG: STR 10 | DEX 10 | CON 10 | WIS 05 | INT 05 | CHA 20
Current: STR 13 | DEX 12 | CON 13 | WIS 07 | INT 05 | CHA 23
Shadow Whip: [Tier 0] Tendrils erupt from Shouichi's shadow, allowing him to grab onto things and minorly manipulate objects. Tendrils have 75% ability power when manipulating external objects, ie weapons, people, items. Tendrils have Shouichi's 100% ability power if they are only moving him, ie using the tendrils as makeshift grappling hooks to swing himself(no passengers), help him climb up a wall, or even tendril pushups.
Burning Attack (Ranged) Tier 1 : Shouichi is able to channel radiant energy through the suit launching a ranged radiant attack. 100% Ability Power
ExSEED (Boon) Tier 1: Shouichi releases the safety limiters on the suit, allowing it to perform at super mortal levels. Negative stat abilities are avoided for as long as the ability is continuously in use. If ability is stopped, and reused, negative stats are stacked upon deactivation of second use. +10 STR, +10 DEX while in use. -5 Str, Dex, Con, Wis upon post after each successive continuous use of ability.
Gratitude Badge: A nice shiny pin that looks great and makes you feel better just by wearing it. +2 to a stat of your choosing. (WIS)
Gains: PM 6/12: +2 EXP